Engineering Student Preferences In Navigation Situational Judgment Inventory
Description: A Situational Judgment Inventory (SJI) is a tool used to assess a person’s response to hypothetical scenarios. An SJI normally contains a prompt, scenarios, and response options. A user is prompted to respond to the provided scenario by choosing one or more response options.
The E-SPIN SJI is focused on the role of being an undergraduate engineering student and includes 19 scenarios, with five response options for each scenario.
The purpose of this assessment is to help you, an undergraduate student, better understand how you navigate your engineering program. It is also used to better support undergraduate engineering students broadly.
Participating in this SJI is useful because it can help you recognize that there are many challenges that are common in engineering, and there are several ways to navigate these challenges. Insight into your preferences is the first step to optimizing your navigation for academic, professional, and social success in engineering!
Target Audience: Undergraduate students in engineering
Age Restriction: You must be 18 years of age or older to participate
Data Privacy: Your IP address will be recorded but not used or shared. You will be asked to provide responses to three demographic questions at the end of the SJI. This demographic information will not be shared individually but may be used for research purposes on a group level.
IRB: Please contact the Institutional Review Board (IRB) if you have questions about your rights as a research subject or to report concerns with the study
Barbara DeCausey (Director, Human Research Protection program) |
North End Center, Suite 4120, Virginia Tech, 300 Turner Street NW Blacksburg, VA 24061
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